Thoughts on Being Overwhelmed

Remember when people used to use their blog as a journal communicating their thoughts? Some still do and I really admire that. I am hoping that I can release some thoughts through this post. Sometimes communicating and just putting it out there helps you feel better. Just getting things off your chest! Today I want to discuss what to do when you are feeling over whelmed with work. But then again, that leads to being overwhelmed in your personal life as well.
Lately, when I get overwhelmed I get a massive migraine. So, I have been trying to control these feelings of that major rock on my shoulders. What I like to do is just take time to remind myself how none of it REALLY matters. In the grand scheme of life, tomorrow comes and then goes, the world does not stop. People get upset but then move on. I trust in that fact, remain thankful for everything I have and work as hard as I can to do what I need to do!
1. Prioritize. What absolutely has to get done first? Consider that “urgent” tasks will often differ from “important” tasks.
2. Eliminate. What can wait? Sometimes you have to say no to even good things.
3. Delegate. Can you outsource a project or have someone take part of it off your plate? Ask for help. When you ask for help, it makes others feel needed and trusted that can go a long way!
4. Hunt and kill your project list. Avoid social media distractions. Take mini breaks, walks and stop to eat. Your accomplishments depend on a lull in the action to generate fresh inspiration and solutions.
5. Sometimes, stepping away from the internet is the best thing you can do to clear your mind and get back in touch with what needs to be done!
6. Celebrate your accomplishments!

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